Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Word About the Word

Before I dive into this study, Exploring Covenants, I feel that there is something I should make clear. Some of you may think this is totally unnecessary, but that is because you know me well. However, when you start a blog or you post statuses on Facebook and encourage myriads of people you don’t know very well to take a look at your innermost heart, you better make it clear where you’re coming from. I thought I should do that from the very beginning.

Already I have been overwhelmed as I am reading and studying and attempting to begin at the beginning of this study. I am overwhelmed with the wealth of material that has been written by some very smart people. I’m overwhelmed that I am starting out on another phase of my life while still in the midst of this fairly new one that I love so much and I have no idea how I will handle it all. Most of all I am overwhelmed with the love of our Father in heaven—how He could love us so much that from the very foundation of the world He would create us specifically with the ability to laugh and cry, love and hate, think and reason. Then He would arrange it so that we could be saved from His holy wrath…because He knew we would not be able to help using those gifts He gave us to try to be like Him.

What I need to make clear is how I will approach this study. I will always approach God’s Word as though it is inspired and infallible. I will not use commentaries or study helps from scholars who believe otherwise. To do so I believe wastes time and takes me down rabbit trails that are of little use to those who want to know about God. Of what use is a study that just creates more questions? We will always be seeking to know our Father better. If I were to hinder anyone’s progress in that, I believe I would be held accountable to Him.

I will also try very hard not to try to read things into Scripture that are not there. I think that could be a real danger in a study such as this, if we are not careful to study diligently, look carefully at history, culture, people, and situations. That being said, as we study covenants we must remember that Christ is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament promises. As excited as I am about studying covenants, I know that I am not a seminary graduate or a pastor, and I will be leaning heavily on my pastor and pastor friends for guidance as I proceed.

Please be patient with me for the next week or so as I prepare. I am still planning for us to meet and discuss as a group on October 9. Please be in prayer for me. Thanks!

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