Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summer Book Study - Introduction

Today our ladies' group introduced ourselves to our summer book study, reading When Life and Beliefs Collide: How Knowing God Makes a Difference by Carolyn Custis James. This has been one of my favorite books for a good many years. Mrs. James covers deep subjects and causes us to think deeply about our own personal theology. Here are some topics she covers in this book, in depth. (Quotes are attributed to the author.)
  • Theology, or knowing God, is for everyone. It is the "heart of life."
  • Trusting God in the here and now during painful circumstances is a struggle.
  • Theology is full of "everyday practical value." Deep thinking about God is always valuable.
  • "Life's struggles are the shortest route to a deep appreciation of our need to know God better."
  • Women don't have to divide themselves into the categories of "Thinkers" or Servers".
  • "He [God] calls us to be a composite of the two women ["Mary and/or Martha"] who take time to know him better and whose theology informs and emboldens their ministry to others."
Next week we will discuss Chapter 1. Enjoy!

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